Category Archives: Fitness

Theory and Practice

So, like many of you reading this, I am spending a massive amount of time at home due to the COVID-19 outbreak. I can’t say I mind. ( Ask me again if this stretches out a few more weeks ). … Continue reading

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Filed under Fitness

It’s All About The Frame

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Filed under Fitness


I have been switching from my winter to summer wardrobe this week.That means taking summer stuff out of the attic where it is stored and packing away the winter stuff for next season.It seems a little late to be doing … Continue reading

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Filed under Creativity, Fitness

Hey Random Stranger

Here I am thinking of what I would say to me…..if I wasn’t me.   I finally completed my first marathon.( that is one positive thing to report).It was supposed to be in December but the St. Jude Marathon in … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion, Fitness

Lost Earrings and The Ghost of New Year’s Resolutions Past

I love jewelry but I seldom wear or purchase expensive things because I have a tendency to lose them.This is especially the case with earrings.Perhaps I should work on that.Oh well, that isn’t the point right now.Here’s the point.When I … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion, Fitness

Commitment and Setbacks

  I signed up for the St. Jude Marathon several months ago.The full marathon.Let me just say I haven’t been a regular runner for a number of years and even when I was, I was never that great.I have run … Continue reading

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Filed under Fitness