Category Archives: emotion

Comparison and Discontent

Recently, I admitted to myself that I have an on going struggle with jealousy. I have been harboring this feeling in my heart when I see what others have, or seem to have, or what they have done, look like, … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion

Do You Want To Win The Game or Do You Want To Eat Chicken?

Last night, thanks to my dear friend Anna, I went to see the Grizzlies game at FedEx Forum.In fact, at the last minute, there was another extra ticket and my husband was able to go, too.What a welcome surprise! It … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion, Sports

Thanksgiving- Gratitude is The Reason For the Season

I am inspired to write a quick post about Thanksgiving as I was driving in my car yesterday and some ideas came to mind. In my opinion, Thanksgiving is about, well, giving thanks, being grateful.Many times we strive to be better, … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion

Drinking the Kool Aid

This has been a subject I have wanted to post about for months.   When people use the phrase” Drinking the Kool Aid ” , they are making a reference to the Jim Jones cult suicides that took place in … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion

Hey Random Stranger

Here I am thinking of what I would say to me…..if I wasn’t me.   I finally completed my first marathon.( that is one positive thing to report).It was supposed to be in December but the St. Jude Marathon in … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion, Fitness

New To Me

As it turned out, in spite of how indifferent I was to the outcome and/or spectacle or the 2014 Super Bowl,yours truly was one of four winners of a Super Bowl pool that was going on at work.This meant I … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion

Future Now

As I write this, my beautiful dog Janet is resting close besides me.She has been my loving companion for most of her 14 years.I found out a couple weeks ago that she has a tumor in her bladder.This does not … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion

Inside Out

Over the recent months, I have taken a slight step back in my life.There are quite a few things, “under construction” and have been for a long time.The difference now is that I am more aware of the importance of … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion

Lost Earrings and The Ghost of New Year’s Resolutions Past

I love jewelry but I seldom wear or purchase expensive things because I have a tendency to lose them.This is especially the case with earrings.Perhaps I should work on that.Oh well, that isn’t the point right now.Here’s the point.When I … Continue reading

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Filed under emotion, Fitness

Being Fully Present

I was listening to Hay House Radio today and Robert Holden was talking about how important it is to be fully present in our lives.Many times we think that there is something missing in our lives and that something is … Continue reading

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Filed under Creativity, emotion, self expression